
Imagine if your business had a superpower to see future trends, understand every tiny detail of its performance, and know exactly what your customers are thinking. That’s Octometrix. We turn the overwhelming heap of your data into clear, straightforward actions you can use right away.

in the beginning

Here's how each Products contributes

See The World For The First Time

Here’s how Word Metrix Explorer can significantly contribute to your strategies and operations

  • Global Market Entry Strategy
  • Economic Trend Analysis
  • Geopolitical Risk Assessment

Data Analysis

Here’s how Octopus can significantly contribute to your strategies and operations

  • Real-Time KPI
  • Risk Analysis and Mitigation
  • Scenario Planning for Strategic Decision

view Customer Relationship health

Here’s how Octocrm can significantly contribute to your strategies and operations

  • Sales Process Optimization
  • Customer Relationship Deep Dive
  • Retention Strategy Formulation

Grow your PR

Here’s how Octodigital can significantly contribute to your strategies and operations

  • Competitor Digital Presence
  • Lead Generation Insights
  • Innovation and Trend Spotting

Vision meets intelligence

Here’s how Octolens can significantly contribute to your strategies and operations

  • Customer Behavior Analysis
  • Customer Behavioral Insights
  • Innovative Retail Insights

Get informed Now

Here’s how Octomate can significantly contribute to your strategies and operations

  • Instant Executive Reporting
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Meeting Room Bookings

We take security, privacy and compliance seriously

Hosted securely, only you can access your data. Not us, not anyone else. 

Your data is hosted on Microsoft Cloud, protected both physically and electronically. Your data is only accessible through your personal password-protected account, and any data is encrypted at rest and in transit.

Not even we can access your data!

See the World for the First time

World Metrix Explorer

1. Global Market Entry Strategy
Navigate new markets confidently; strategic insights unlock global growth opportunities.

2. Economic Trend Analysis
Stay ahead; timely economic insights fuel smarter, proactive business decisions.

3. Trade Volume Insights
See the real scale of trade – who’s buying, selling, and how much.

4. Geopolitical Risk Assessment
Minimize risks; understand geopolitical landscapes to protect and guide your investments.


Octopus Analyzes


Real-Time KPI

Instantly track success metrics; make data-driven decisions confidently and quickly.

Instant Risk Analysis

Identify, assess, and reduce risks, safeguarding your business’s future effectively.

Scenario Planning

Explore outcomes, prepare for changes, ensuring robust strategic moves ahead.

Sales And Expenses

No Data Found

Customer Relationship Deep Dive

Dive Deep, Cultivate Strong Bonds With Every Customer

Supplier Health Monitoring

Keep a Close Eye, Ensure Your Suppliers Stay Healthy

Retention Strategy Formulation

Keep Customers Coming Back With Smart Retention Plans

Sales Process Optimization

Revamp Your Sales Tactics, Close Deals Faster


OctoCrm Understands Every Customer

  • Customer Relationship Deep Dive
  • Retention Strategy Formulation
  • Supplier Health Monitoring
  • Sales Process Optimization

3 X

Retention Rate

100 %

Customer Journey Visibility

160 %

Customer Lifetime Value

25 %

Increase in Cross-Sell and Up-Sell
Case Study

OctoCRM Case Study

Increased Call Volume

Customer #10452
Main Office

Calls up by 40% – customers reaching out more!

Higher Email Engagement

Customer #10452
Main Office

25% more emails opened and clicked this month.

Financial Transactions

Customer #10452
Main Office

Transactions surged by 30% – more deals closing successfully.

External Market Factors

Customer #10452
Main Office

Stock market rise of 15% boosted customer’s sector performance.


OctoDigital: Grow your Customer Base

Stay ahead of the game! Learn how to outshine competitors online and attract more eyes to your brand with OctoDigital.

Dive into the secrets of capturing leads like never before! OctoDigital guides you through crafting magnetic strategies.

Spot trends before they bloom and innovate with confidence. With OctoDigital, being a pioneer in your industry is easier than ever.

Heat map updated

Octolens: see the hidden truth

Behavior-Driven Product Placement

Octolens identifies prime locations for product displays, boosting visibility and customer engagement effectively.

Retail Customer Experience Mapping

Through CCTV insights, Octolens crafts unmatched shopping experiences by understanding and improving customer journeys.

Queue Management

Octolens optimizes queue management, reducing wait times and improving overall customer satisfaction in real-time settings.


OctoMate: Easy updates to Key Partners

Effortlessly keep your key partners in the loop with only the updates they need to see.

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    Real-time Data Access
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    Tax Compliance and Updates
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    Vendor and Supplier Payment Queries
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    Customer Communication
  • img
    Sentiment Analysis
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    Financial Queries and Education
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    Financial Onboarding for Employees
  • img
    Employee Payroll Inquiries
How can Octometrix help me beat my competitors?

Think about having a crystal ball that tells you not just where the market is heading, but also gives you a playbook on outsmarting competitors. Our trend analysis and predictive insights mean you’re always five steps ahead.

Is my data safe with Octometrix?

As safe as a vault. Your data’s security is our top priority, and we protect it with the latest encryption and security measures, ensuring only you and your team have access.

How quick is it to see results with Octometrix?

Short answer: super quick. Once you’re set up, you’ll start getting insights that can guide your next move, and with our real-time monitoring, you’re always in the know.

How does Octometrix improve decision-making for executives?

By offering you real-time KPI monitoring and predictive reports on business opportunities, Octometrix ensures you’re making informed decisions quickly, based on comprehensive data analytics.

Is it challenging to integrate Octometrix with my current systems?

Not at all. Our products, like Octopus, are designed to seamlessly gather and analyze data from both your internal systems and external sources, providing you with cohesive reports.